A Look Ahead at Connectivity in 2016
SQL Server 2016 Release:
Increased JDBC Driver Performance & Security Expectations
As the late David Bowie sings in one of his best known songs, Changes, “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange), Ch-ch-changes……”, a song about the need for artistic reinvention. The need for one to be constantly aware of the on-going requirement to face new challenges and be prepared to innovate in the changing world. Bowie was an icon of musical innovation.
The same changes and challenges are reflected in our present database industry. In the early years, advanced, enterprise-level database resources were only available to large corporations with comparable substantial budgets and staffing levels to maintain the environment. However, times have changed and recent advancements in technology have made the latest high-performance IT solutions affordable and easy to maintain for big and small businesses alike. Whether it is hybrid clouds, the handling of big data, data protection or just the rapidly increasing amount data flowing through the pipelines. The database world in rapidly changing while at the same time, old favorites are fading away, i.e. Microsoft’s discontinuation of SQL Server 2005 support coming this April 16th.

Image source: www.bettercloud.com
With the release of SQL Server 2016 this year, Microsoft provides a data platform focused on mobile first and cloud first which allows businesses of any and all sizes dynamic solutions that are now available no matter their data requirements. In fact, according to a recent survey by BetterCloud.com, the number of businesses that will utilize 100% cloud-based solutions will more than double over the next two years. The survey clearly outlines a huge shift towards cloud-based IT solutions at all levels of the business community worldwide.
This rapid shift represents a significant change in the marketplace that developers and IT firms will be required to address. While in the past, some advanced technologies were available, they remained largely unknown to the average small to medium size business owner. In the upcoming environment, all clients (both internal and external) will be demanding the absolute best-performing solutions with a particular focus on scalable and reliable hybrid cloud-based solutions.
Increasing Client Expectations
From the individual to the small business to the largest corporation, all are more tech knowledgeable and all are demanding enhanced data solutions. Performance, security, scalability, instant support, ease of implementation, backwards compatibility, cloud certification and of course, price, must be optimized by the application developer and his team.
While the SQL Server database platform provides enhanced new features, the database driver selection also needs to be approached carefully to ensure the application will deliver all those increasing client expectations. As the old adage says “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” or better yet, why build a Ferrari and then use a go-cart drive train?
Driver pricing should be compared but at the same time, should not be the only or the most important factor in the driver selection process. While it is tempting with free drivers available in the market, another old adage is “you get what you pay for”. Clients will not care about your limited savings when the critical driver standards are outdated, support is non-existent before, during or after implementation (and your application is non-functional) and / or the driver’s EULA limits your distribution options. In addition, the “free driver” supplier may limit backwards compatibility or even force your application (and clients) to upgrade. A small savings which may equal a potentially large loss of revenue and reputation.
Developers should review the benefits of a small investment in a high performance driver that meets client demands and expectations vs. the downside risk of a non-supported “free” critical component in your application.
Client Demands
- Flexible and Scalable Solutions
- Reliable and Optimized Performance
- Current with Industry Standards
- Full Support and Easy Implementation
- Affordable and Efficient Solutions
Delivering Optimized Client Solutions

Image source: www.microsoft.com
With the upcoming release, Microsoft SQL Server 2016 offers a dynamic data platform packed with powerful built-in features including Always Encrypted, which protects data at rest and in motion and Stretch Database, which allows customers to powerfully stretch cold transactional data to Azure.
SQL Server 2016 will also feature new in-database analytics with R integration plus deliver SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services improvements.
However, while most of us have read about the many advantages of using the new SQL Server 2016 as the core foundation for many client solutions, utilizing a high-performance JDBC driver for optimized database connectivity, as mentioned earlier, is often undervalued. In particular, implementing a new high-performance type 5 JDBC driver as a key component in the overall client solution package can offer a number of benefits for the client, and in turn ultimately you as the service or solution provider.
Benefits of Optimized SQL Server JDBC Driver Performance
- Higher Level of Client Satisfaction
- Increased Client Loyalty
- Greater Potential for Client Referrals
- Higher Percentage of Repeat Business
- Facilitates and Supports Long-Term Client Relationships
Type 4 JDBC Drivers have been the industry standard since the late 1990s and, have provided acceptable overall quality and performance, considering the basic architecture has remained largely unchanged over the last fifteen or more years. However, it is no secret that the majority of type 4 driver suppliers have not kept up with the advancements in the data industry, therefore, presenting certain limitations in both performance and functionality.
These limitations become particularly relevant when relying on Type 4 JDBC Drivers for hybrid cloud solutions where speed and reliable connectivity is needed for accessing a wider range of environments.
SQL Server JDBC Driver Type 4 Limitations

Image source: JNetDirect, Inc.
Limited and Inconsistent Performance
Type 4 drivers can struggle with data throughput efficiency and fast response times when they are utilized in certain environments, particularly with more modern models and with a large number of users accessing an application simultaneously.
Limited Functionality
Driver features are unavailable within some data models and application servers due to limited access to code for enabling functionality.
Use Large Amount of Resources
Type 4 Drivers use a large amount of resources which can affect the overall performance of applications and servers.
Limitations in Deployment and Implementation
Type 4 Drivers many times require working with several JAR files and utilize proprietary code which limits its flexibility and effectiveness when utilized across a range of environments.
While Type 4 drivers continue to serve their purpose for legacy applications, it is easy to see from the above limitations that an optimized new Type 5 driver solution should be used within the client solutions being developed today.
High-Performance Type 5 JDBC Drivers
Discovering the increased capabilities that Type 5 JDBC Drivers allow can significantly increase the quality, performance and functionality of the solutions you implement for your clients. Type 5 drivers were specifically developed to bridge the gap between the limited capabilities of Type 4 JDBC Drivers and the current capabilities of software and database management solutions. They offer a powerful tool that can facilitate increased performance, greater reliability and expanded functionality removing the limitations on environments and application performance.
With increasing client demands that require accessing data in a number of ways, through multiple environments and with fast response times, Type 5 drivers deliver the features needed to unlock maximum performance and capabilities in modern database environments.
JSQLConnect 8 - Type 5 SQL Server JDBC Driver Features
Dynamic Performance
JNetDirect’s JSQLConnect 8 Type 5 JDBC Driver delivers dynamic performance with its unique Bulk Loading functionality, which allows for loading times that are 150% faster than any other competitor’s driver. It decreases driver use of system resources and enhances fast data transfer in large volumes across multiple environments.
Enhanced Security
Security is a growing concern for all clients and is an important element in the design of any software solution. The JSQLConnect 8 Driver offers enhanced security features that seamlessly fit within the SQL Server platform. Complete Kerberos authentication capabilities, as well as SSL NTLM authentication features, are built-in. Secure hybrid cloud connections are fully supported.
Not only are client demands increasing in terms of performance and expanded capabilities, clients also expect solutions that are reliable and provide a stable working environment. JSQLConnect 8 provides consistent performance and reliability that your clients can trust to deliver day in and day out. In thousands of applications, JNetDirect has been a leading JDBC driver supplier for over 15 years with a distinguished reputation for customer support.
Cost-Effective and Scalable
JSQLConnect 8 provides a JDBC driver solution that is affordable for organizations and developers of any size. JNetDirect offers a range of component license options that are designed to meet the needs of large operations and small businesses alike.
Full support is provided with one-on-one guidance and troubleshooting assistance from a member of JNetDirect’s team of knowledgeable professionals. We are there to assist during your 30-day free trial testing run to implementation and will be there after release to support you and your team.

Image source: JNetDirect, Inc.
When you are working with clients and offering solutions to meet their technology needs, it is no longer good enough to meet most of their key areas of concern. Clients are more educated and in-tune with technology than ever before with higher expectations. It’s imperative to review the connectivity component within your client solution offerings to ensure they provide the best performance, reliability and overall quality possible.
JNetDirect’s line of products is specifically designed to help you capture optimum performance and expanded capabilities throughout a range of environments with consistency that is unmatched. We look forward to helping you deliver optimized client solutions that keep you one step ahead of your competition in 2016 and beyond.