JDataConnect support

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Applet or Java Application on the your Local Machine

This is the simplest architecture because all components run on a single machine. This is the best way to get started testing with JDataServer. Note that applets need to run inside an HTML page delivered by a web server.

Simple Internet/Intranet Applet or Application

This architecture illustrates a simple applet on a web page accessing a database over the Internet or intranet. The applet or application can run on any Java platform since JDataConnect is a 100% Pure Java driver.

The database may be a a 'desktop' database such as MS Access which usually can only be accessed from the same machine. JDataConnect enables this class of desktop database to accessed over any network connection and from any Java compatible platform.

Dedicated Database Server

Many web enabled applications require that database processing be performed on a dedicated database server to improve performance. In this architecture all web/intranet traffic is handled by the web server and all database access off loaded to the database server.

Since the database runs on a different machine than JDataServer the database product must be network enabled. EG higher end databases such as Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase or SQL Server

Servlet Based Web/Intranet Application on NT Server

Servlets may be used to add customized processing on the server side of the application. In this application the user interface is HTML only.

The web server calls Java servlets to handle customized business rule processing. The servlets in turn access databases via JDataConnect.

Servlet 1 accesses a database on it's local machine. It also uses JDataServer (2) to access a database on a different database server.

Servlet 3 is on a different machine than the web server and could similarly access databases on the same or a different machine.

Servlet Based Web/Intranet Application on Solaris, Linux etc

All JDataConnect drivers are 100% Pure Java. This enables your Java servlets to use the drivers on any platform that supports Java. EG Solarix, Linux, NT etc.

In this architecture the JDataServer component resides on the same servers as the the databases.


Web Based Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) Application

This architecture illustrates a web application using an EJB container. EJB Beans reside in the EJB container to service client HTML pages and applets.

When using JDataConnect the EJB beans may reside in an EJB container that runs on any Java platform such as Solaris, NT or Linux. This is possible since the JDataConnect JDBC drivers are 100% Pure Java.

Applet HTTP Tunneling and/or SSL Architecture via WebServer

Firewall Access
Applet1 is running in a browser behind a firewall. Both the browser and the applet use HTTP protocol to traverse the firewall.

The web server passes JDataConnect JDBC requests through to JDataGateway which in turn passes them to JDataServer.

If the applet requires SSL then the driver will switch to HTTP protocol and direct all connections to the web server.

Non Firewall Access
Applet2 is a 2nd instance of the same applet as Applet1. Applet2 runs in a browser which reads HTML from the web server.

Applet2 however is not behind a firewall and can therefore create a direct connection to JDataServer. All JDataConnect JDBC traffic to/from the applet passes bypasses the web server and JWebServerGateway.

Note that Applet1 and 2 are two instances of an identical applet. At run time Applet1 will attempt a direct JDataServer connection which the firewall will block. At that point Applet1 automatically switches to HTTP protocol on port 80.

At run time Applet2 will attempt a direct JDataServer connection which will succeed and Applet2 will not use JWebServerGateway.

Application/Servlet HTTP Tunneling/ SSL via JDataGateway

This architecture shows servlets and applications that all require SSL connections for some business reason.

The servlet and application 1 have have a firewall between them and the database server. They therefore request HTTP and SSL.

Application 2 does not have the firewall and therefore only requests SSL.